Saturday, February 18, 2012

President's Day Weekend

 The Welch girls are going to get ready to look like Eskimos! Well, at least we all were warm. My hands were so numb though! ha ha
 All of us looked like eskimos when we went tubing at Soldier Hollow. I looked like an eskimo more though. Every time we went down a hill all of us had a bunch of snow in our faces. That was really fun. I hope we get to it next year too.
Me and Becca can totally funny it up! This was at our sleepover. My mom made us take silly pictures! I guess it was part of our deal. We'd take silly pictures and she would get us Arctic Circle fries!! It was a good deal.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

That is my Valentine card I sent to my family and my friends. Do you get it? I think it's really funny and clever!

 Landon and I wore our hats sideways on Valentines day. We made those hats that very day too. Mine say Wove T-woo Wove and Landon's didn't say anything. He just had three hearts on his.

This is me and Landon writing letters to 2 of my brothers serving missions. One is in England and the other is in Michigan. We made hats like this also. We used markers and markers to create those letters! Did you like my joke with markers and markers?